The name of this association shall be The Lake Erie Landlord Association, Inc.

The OBJECTIVE of this association shall be:

1. To improve the knowledge of the members by:

    1. Providing education to members on applicable vocational topics.
    2. Opening lines of communication with various areas of the community that directly affects members.
    3. Expand our lines of communication with governmental entities in an effort to improve long-range rights and opportunities of the members.
    4. Create and make available to our members, applicable forms.

2. To improve the financial condition of the landlord by:

    1. Creating a mutual network of area service people most favorable to working with landlords.
    2. Creating and maintaining a list of all properties for sale by member landlords.
    3. Creating and maintaining a list of all people (member and non-member) interested in obtaining property (must be a member to get assistance from LELA).
    4. Educating landlords in proper methods of tenant selection.

3. To improve the status of the landlord by:

    1.  Creating a Code of Ethics
    2. Working to build an image respected by the community.
    3. Maintaining rental property to the condition of the applicable codes of the local community.
    4. Work together to improve the housing stock of the local communities.
    5. Educating members in landlord-tenant relations.
    6. Working toward long-range goals of creating laws to protect the landlord and his property.



Section 1. Classification

There shall be 3 classes of members.

  1. Regular members: Those persons engaged in or desiring to be landlords/real estate investors. Regular members have 1 vote per membership.
  2. Vendor members: Those persons engaged in businesses that would be beneficial to the association and its members. Vendor members have no voting rights.
  3. Dual members: Those persons who fulfill both regular and vendor qualifications. They shall have all the rights and privileges as a regular member with the benefits of vendor membership. Dual members have 1 vote per membership.

Revised 10/10/2012

Section 2. Admission

  1. Applications shall be in writing stating name and address, the number of units, and their cities and states.
  2. Regular members shall pay yearly dues.
  3. Vendor members shall pay yearly dues.
  4. Dual members shall pay yearly dues.
  5. Reinstatement: Application for reinstatement of regular, vendor, and dual members shall be by paying yearly dues.

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Section 3. Code of Ethics for LELA Members

  1. It is illegal, pursuant to the Ohio Fair Housing Law, Division (H) of Section 4112.02 of the Revised Code and the Federal Fair Housing Law, 42 U.S.C.A. 3601, to refuse to sell, transfer, assign, rent, lease, sublease or finance housing accommodations, refuse to negotiate for the sale or rental of housing accommodations, or otherwise deny or make unavailable housing accommodations because of race, color, religion, sex, familial status as defined in Section 4112.01 of the Revised Code, ancestry, disability as defined in that section, or national origin or to so discriminate in advertising the sale or rental of housing, in the financing of housing, or in the provision of real estate brokerage services.
  2. Shall provide a level of competent service to tenants as required by law as well as the normal standards of the area.
  3. Shall provide a true picture in their advertising and representation to the public.
  4. Shall comply in spirit and letter with rules and regulations prescribed by law and government agencies for the health, safety, and progress of the community.
  5. Shall strive to provide fair values for the tenant community.
  6. Shall agree to indemnify the Association for any damage suffered by the Association as a result of false or inaccurate information provided by the member.
  7. Shall strive to provide the best possible housing at a reasonable cost so that all deserving may enjoy a better standard of living. 

Section 4. Discipline of Members

A complaint against a member charged with conduct unbecoming a member of the LELA family shall be presented in writing to the board and shall be referred to a special committee appointed by the Board for the purpose of investigating, reporting, and making a recommendation before any action is taken on such charges by the Board of Directors. Proper notice of the charges, the investigation, and the hearing shall be given to such member. A member against whom such charges are sustained after a hearing before the Board may be disciplined or removed from the member’s office or organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board.

“Conduct unbecoming a member of the LELA family is defined as any conduct that:

  1. Is incompatible with the best interests of the public or of members of the LELA family; or
  2. Tends or threatens to harm the standing or reputation of the LELA family in the local or global community.

Violation of the policy defining “conduct unbecoming a member of the LELA family” may result in disciplinary action against the offending member. Disciplinary action can result in a private reprimand or dismissal from the organization. A private reprimand is communicated to the individual violating the “conduct policy” as a warning. Dismissal means removal from the member’s office or organization.

Any individual receiving written notice as provided in the applicable bylaws shall be permitted to hear all evidence against him or her and be afforded the opportunity to provide evidence in his or her defense. The appropriate ruling body shall hear the evidence and determine what sanction, if any, shall be imposed, and such decision shall be final.

Any person whose membership has been terminated in any manner shall forfeit all interest in the LELA organization funds or other property and all right to the use of the LELA name, LELA emblem, or other marks.

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Section 1. Officers

A. Term: Officers shall serve a minimum term of 1 year in their respective office and no more than two consecutive terms in the same position. Officers may serve more than the 3 year limit of consecutive service to the Board of Directors.

B. The elected officers of this Association shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer to be elected from the Board of Directors.

C. The Association shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless each Officer of the Association from any liability which may arise from the activities of such Officer in the performance of his or her duties on behalf of the Association.

Section 2. Duties of the Officers

A. The President shall:

    1. Preside at all meetings
    2. Appoint all committees except the nominating committee
    3. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, “excluding the nominating committee”.

B. The Vice-President shall:

    1. Serve in the absence of the President
    2. Perform such other duties and responsibilities when requested by the president.

C. The Secretary shall:

    1. Be responsible for maintaining all records and documents of the proceedings of the Association.
    2. Keep on file all committee reports.
    3. Keep the Associations official membership roll (unless another officer or staff member is assigned this duty by the president); and to call the roll where it is required.
    4. Make the minutes and records available to members upon request.
    5. Notify officers, committee members and candidates of their election or appointments.
    6. Furnish committees with whatever documents are required for the performance of their duties and have on hand at each meeting a list of all existing committees and their members
    7. Other duties and responsibilities as the board requires.

D. The Treasurer shall:

    1. Be responsible for maintaining a record of the fiscal affairs of the Association.
    2. Prepare an accurate financial account of all funds received and paid out monthly.
    3. Make interim reports when requested by the president.
    4. Make a full financial report annually.
    5. Shall not disburse funds except by authority of the Association.
    6. The president shall appoint or nominate, to be elected, an Audit Committee of three who will audit the Treasurer’s books and report at the March meeting. The books should also be audited whenever there is a change in the office.
    7. Turn over to his successor, or to the Board, all money or property of the Association held by him on the expiration of his term or removal from office and such other duties and responsibilities as the Association may require.

E. The Executive Director shall:

    1. Perform and supervise all tasks required in the day-to-day operation of the Association’s activities, and such other and further duties as shall from time to time be required of him/her by the board. A full job description will be kept under separate cover from these bylaws. This shall be a paid position with a yearly bonus dependent upon annual increases in membership.

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Section 1. Regular. The regular meeting of the Association shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month.

Section 2. Annual. The regular meeting in JUNE shall be the ANNUAL MEETING. Business at the annual meeting shall include the Installation of New Officers and reports of all Officers and Standing Committees.

Section 3. Special. A Special meeting of the membership may be called at any time by the President or by a majority of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall send notices to the membership of all Special Meetings of the Association.

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Section 4. Quorum. (6) Director members attending any meeting of the Association shall constitute a Quorum.

Section 5 Term. A director shall serve a minimum of (1) year but no more than (3) years in succession. An officer is exempt from the 3-year service limit if he/she is in an Officer position by the end of his 3rd year of service to the Board. No Officer shall serve for more than (2) consecutive 1-year terms in the same office without the approval of the board.

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Section 6 Vacancy. A Vacancy in office may be filled by the Board of Directors at a Special meeting held for such purpose.


Section 1. Directors

    1. Term: Directors shall serve a 3-year term of service on the Board.
    2. Nomination and Election: A nominating committee composed of three (3) members shall be elected at the February meeting. Their duty will be to submit a list of candidates to fill Director vacancies.
    3. Number: The number of Directors shall be no less than nine (9) elected from the general membership.
  1. Election of Directors
    1. Election to be held at the April meeting.
    2. Voting will be by secret ballot by the general membership
    3. When there is just one candidate for office, the Secretary shall be empowered to cast one vote to elect that Director.
  2. The Association shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless each Director of the Association from any liability which may arise from the activities of such Director in the performance of his or her duties on behalf of the Association.
  3. Removal of Directors
    1. If a Director Misses 3 consecutive board or monthly membership meetings, without “just cause”, he/she may be moved from the position of Director.

Section 2. Duties and Powers of the Directors

    1. A meeting of the Directors may be called by the President, a Vice-President, or any Director, by written notice given at least 10 days before the date of such meeting, to each Director, by mail, e-mail, or personal phone call, at his address as it appears on the records of the Association. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of any such meeting may be waived in writing, either before or after the holding of such meeting, by any Director. Such waiver shall be filed with or entered upon the records of such meeting. The attendance of any Director at any meeting of the Directors without protesting, prior to the commencement of the meeting, the lack of proper notice shall be deemed to be a waiver of such notice of such meeting.
    2. (6) Directors shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of Directors. A majority of Directors in office shall constitute a quorum for filling a vacancy in the authorized number of Directors or in the officers of the Association.
    3. The Directors shall hold any money or property from time to time received by them. Such money or property shall, together with the income, and the gains and profits arising therefrom, be turned over to the Association. The Directors shall be responsible only for such money or property as shall actually be received by them as Directors hereunder. It shall not be the duty of the Directors to collect any sum, but they shall receive and hold as Director hereunder such money and property paid over to them from time to time by contributors to the Association.
    4. The Directors may consult with legal counsel with respect to the meaning or construction of the Bylaws regulations the articles of incorporation of this association, action, proceeding, or question of law. The Directors shall be fully protected with respect to any action taken or omitted by them in good faith pursuant to the advice of such counsel.
    5. The Directors shall use ordinary care and reasonable diligence in the exercise of their powers and the performance of their duties as Directors hereunder. The Directors shall not be held accountable for any mistake of judgment or other action taken in good faith, or for any loss, unless resulting from their own negligence or misconduct. The Directors shall not be held accountable for any loss sustained by the LELA Association by reason of purchase, retention, sale, or exchange of any investment by the trustees in good faith and in accordance with the bylaws of this Association.
    6. The Directors shall deduct from and charge against the LELA Association any taxes which may be imposed upon the Association or the income or gains and profits therefrom, which this corporation is required to pay.
    7. The Directors shall keep full accounts of all their receipts and disbursements. The books and records of this corporation shall be open to inspection by the Directors at all times.

The standing committees shall be Budget, Legislative, and Vision. Ad Hoc committees will be created as needed.

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The fiscal year of this corporation shall end on the 31st day of December in each year, or such other day as may be fixed from time to time by the Board of Trustees.

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Association may adopt.
Upon the dissolution or winding up of affairs of this Association, the Board of Directors, after providing the payment of all obligations, shall distribute any remaining assets to any other non-profit tax exempt organization.

These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors of LELA by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting or has been sent to each member at least 10 days prior to the meeting at which it will be considered.

Last Updated: August 13, 2013